God's best. God's Perfect Choice. God's Will. They are all terms we use for that specific person God had created to be ours and ours alone. That one person whom others call soulmate or perfect match.
Why is it so important to wait for him and to wait upon God to put him our way? There are a lot of reasons why. Let me count the ways errr reasons. :)
1. Waiting for HIM spares you from all the emotional heartache, heartbreak and stress. Need i say more about the reason? :)
2. Waiting for HIM makes you reserve yourself (all of it!) for HIM and HIM ALONE.
3. When HE waits for you, it would mean YOU WONT HAVE TO DEAL WITH PAST GIRLFRIENDS. Trust me on this, it doesnt matter if he did not love the EX, but their relationship will still cause some disturbances in paradise. You cant overlook some of those details even if you want to. It's not because you dont trust him. It's just that, a part of you yearns to be the first to do this and that to him and with him. And most of the time, some ex girlfriends still hold on to their past without knowing how to quit. Worst, wouldnt really want to quit. Irritating right?
4. Waiting for HIM would mean HE DOESNT HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOUR PAST BOYFRIENDS. Trust me when I say, not matter how nonchalant he is about your EXs or what you and your EX (Exs if many) did in the past, there will be points in your relationship that he will ask, "Was I the first to do this to you?" or "Was I the first to give this to you?" and when you say No, trust me, you will see a very very disappointed look in you man. And we wouldnt want our man to be disappointed, would we?
5. Waiting for HIM makes us put our focus more on the One who authors the best relationships - GOD. It is a better way to spend your time and your energy on a relationship with God than a relationship with any man who isnt your God's best yet. Seek the Creator, not the creation.
6. Waiting for HIM spares you from ALL THE JERKS OUT THERE. And yes, there are many of them! Those who will pursue you just to get you to bed, those that will pursue you because they just want someone to show to his friends and to everyone, and worst, there are those that WILL NOT EVEN PURSUE YOU yet you fell for them because you are longing for love the wrong way.
So you want to have the best love story without any hindrances because of the past? because of you being impatient? Well, WAIT UPON THE LORD. He is the sole PURSUER of your heart and soul because He knows you better than all the guys out there. WAIT UPON HIM TO WRITE YOUR LOVE STORY. It saddens me to see women falling for the wrong sorts of guys, and being impatient and all, gives in to whatever the guy wants. Worst is when I see someone who is empty and void of a lovelife because her ex left her and now he has found another and there she goes, falling for any guy who is there at the right place at the right time. Trust me, unless these girls really practice what they preach and would really know how to wait upon God, they wouldnt go liking and flirting with guys whom they know are not yet even their God's best. Ladies, I've been there and I've done a lot of those things.If I can only turn back time, I would have corrected every wrong turn just so I can wait upon the Lord and wait for Him to bring me Jeremy. But I can never undo the past. My hope is that my past experience can help girls and ladies to turn the other way and spare themselves of everything that I have experienced. LADIES, I URGE YOU TO WAIT AND WAIT PATIENTLY. WAIT FOR GOD TO TELL YOU IN BOLD AND CLEAR WAYS WITH HIS WORD THAT THE GUY IS YOUR GOD'S BEST. IF YOU DONT RELY ON GOD, YOU WILL JUST END UP GETTING YOU HEART BROKEN YET AGAIN.
to you, you know who you are. if you happen to be reading every blog that i posted then you know that im speaking to you. please, trust me when i say, i dont want you to have another heartbreak. spare yourself. you've had enough pain from a guy who did not even love you as much as you have loved him. the guy God had created to be yours will love you more than you love him. and he will pursue you. it should be like that. it should have been like that always. let the guy pursue God, your Father, first before he pursues you. do not fall for any guy who happens to be like this and like that and he charms you with this and that. or for any guy who's there at the exact moment you need a boyfriend. i pray that your heart will heal. i pray that one day, you will really be happy with the one God had created to be yours just as I am happy with the one God had created to be mine because he first pursued God before he pursued me. Be pursued. Be loved. More than the love you should feel for the person. BUT LOVE YOURSELF FIRST.
(photo from google)
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