having been given a subject to blog about by my baby, here i am typing my thoughts away as to how i will blog about the subject. it started with the question, "Babe, can you do an impromptu blog?" When I answered "Yes.", he took advantage of it and told me, "Can you make one right now? I'll give you a subject to blog about." Do I have a choice? Well I have. But just like I chose to eat the very very toasted giniling with potatoes and cheese (imagine there's cheese in giniling!) despite my common sense telling me it does not taste good, here I am blogging about the subject he gave me.
Coffee and God. that's the subject he gave me. asking me to blog might be the result of the loss of confidence i had on my writing ability due to the fact that i cant seem to get any work as a writer. and blame it on the fact that some of the companies i applied to told me im not even good in writing. (i've been writing for almost all of my life and getting discouraging words from those companies really took its toil on my confidence.) he and i been having some discussions about me writing again because for him, my writings are really good. but due to the blow on my writing skills, i lost amour for writing. i dont even want to continue the book i was starting to right.
going back, the subject is Coffee and God. i can actually just blog about the overly used joke of our Victory Galleria head pastor, Pastor Ferdie which is "God loves coffee. You know why? Because HeBrews." to save me the time and energy to think but it isnt mentally fulfilling. so, should i write about the similarities? or should i write about the differences? mind you, the discussion for one aspect can go a long way. hence, i opted to cross the line and discuss both. hahahaha!
When I was google-ing the characteristics of coffee, I chanced upon this website and it says, "In Colombia, the world's largest producer of mild coffee, the importance of coffee is undeniable. A cup of this magical liquid is the perfect pretext to start the day off practically anywhere: on the street, at home, in a cafeteria, on a balcony, in front of a computer, in the garden. And it is perfect for sharing time with friends or taking a break at the office." (http://www.colombia.travel/en/international-tourist/sightseeing-what-to-do/colombia-thematic-routes/coffee/characteristics-of-coffee)
It starts the day off practically anywhere: on the street, at home, in a cafeteria, on a balcony, in front of a computer, in the garden, in a public utility vehicle. You can have coffee anywhere as you start the day.
He practically wants you to start your day with His presence, in His presence and with His words. Anywhere. From the moment you open your eyes to a brand new day, to you taking a shower, or eating breakfast, or rushing to the office, in public utility vehicles, or while walking towards your office building.
And it is perfect for sharing time with friends or taking a break at the office.
He is perfect. And He is a perfect subject to share with friends or your co-workers while having a break at the office. Perfect I say? Yes. Because who wouldnt want to hear of a God who works in your life in the littlest detail of it yet sees the whole picture of your life? Who wouldnt want to hear about how God blesses all those who care enough to cast their cares to Him?
Four factors must be taken into account when enjoying a cup of coffee. They are Acidity, Aroma, Body and Taste. All four should be present for you to be able to enjoy your cup of coffee.
The 2 primary aspect of God's nature that is especially relevant in evangelism are His authority and His love. Unlike coffee wherein you cannot fully enjoy the cup if one factor is absent, you can fully enjoy a relationship with God even if one of these 2 factors is not present. This is because every season with God is an enjoyable one even if it is the season of pruning and He simply wants you to acknowledge His authority. BUT, once He is done with you on the pruning stage, His love overflows and blessings will fill your cup til it overflows.
Your coffee cup cannot overflow or else, it would spill and you would have coffee stains on the table or on your clothes.
God's love for you overflows. It is so overflowing that He was even willing to sacrifice His own Son on the cross to die for our sins. His own "flesh and blood", His one and only Son. With Him, all things overflow and there are no disadvantages of overflowing.
Too much of anything is bad right? So is too much coffee. It can make you acidic. It can also make you palpitate.
If there is one thing in this world that would totally negate the saying "too much of anything is bad", well that's God. Too much of His presence, too much of His love, too much of obedience to Him, too much of love for him wont be bad for you. Hence, it would make Him glad and happy that finally, His precious son/daughter is grasping the idea of selfless/unconditional love that is seen in Jesus.
From the same website, i found this quotation - "Good coffee should be black as night, hot as hell, sweet as love." Thats for coffee.
As for God, well i can only say this - God sees you and cares for you even in the blackest of night, He doesnt want you to experience the hot furnace of hell because His love is the sweetest thing on earth.
(photo from Google)
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